Start the Year with Clarity: Discover Joy, Ease, and the Surprising Gift of Envy

Talk About It
As we walk into a new year, it’s a natural time for reflection. Don’t worry—this isn’t another call to “better yourself” or “embrace growth.” At Modern Revival, we actually think you’re amazing just as you are! Instead, we believe in making life more easeful and fulfilling, and one of our favorite ways to do that is through year-end reflection.
Ask yourself: What worked in 2024? What brought you joy and lightness? Then, what didn’t?
If you’re lucky, you learned quickly from life’s challenges and pivoted back to ease. But if, like me, it’s harder to see where you struggled—or your role in it—how can you adjust to make the most out of this upcoming year?
This is where envy comes in.
While you may turn your nose up at inviting envy into your life, it can be a surprising ally in showing us what we truly want. When we struggle to see ourselves clearly, it’s often easier to notice what we admire (or resent!) in others. So, try this:
Make an “Envy List.” Dive in—complain, vent, and get snarky. Call a girlfriend and let it all out: Why does she have that? Why can’t I take a vacation? Make your list BIG. Once you have a taste of how you too can have the ease and flow that you envy in others, you won’t be able to ‘unring that bell.’
It’s easy to make this list and then forget about it. That’s why sharing it with others who will help you stay connected to your deepest desires is so important.
Call us. We have a spot waiting for you.
Reset and Recharge
This winter, swap your typical wish list for an Envy List by reflecting on the following:
Relationships & Connections
Who do you admire for their friendships, romantic relationships, or professional networks?
Vacations & Travel
What places are you dying to visit? Who’s out there living your travel dreams?
Creativity & Skills
What creative pursuits have you been wishing you could explore? Are there any side hustles or artistic pursuits you’ve been putting off?
Work & Career
Whose career success or work-life balance do you envy? What steps can you take to improve your own career?
Time & Energy
Who do you know who manages to juggle their schedules with ease, balancing time for connection, creativity, and physical wellness?
Once you’ve made your list, break it down into small, actionable steps. Want a puppy? Look into local adoption centers. Ready to travel? Plan your next trip!
Resource and Revive
Discover 200 Vision Board Inspiration Ideas from Level Up’s Pinterest and turn your envy list into something tangible and motivating.
Visit Byrdie’s 65 Fashion Influencers to Follow for Endless Style Inspiration. Experiment with incorporating new fashion into your vision: imagine how embracing that style would impact your life.
Turn it into a crafting night with your girlfriends by signing up for a creative experience like Sip & Vision: New Year’s Vision Boarding Retreat.
She Said It Best
“Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.” —Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear